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For You formed my inward parts;

You covered me in my mother's womb.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully

and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works,

and that my soul knows very well.

Psalm 139:13-14

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Start your journey

Firm Foundation of Solid Health and Healing Principles

Solid health and healing principles that are biblically and scientifically accurate provide a firm foundation for the start of the journey. Having a respect for God as the Creator of human existence will teach us to have the respect for the human body for it is fearfully and wonderfully made. Dependence on the Lord as the Master Teacher, Great Physician and Compassionate Healer will prayerfully transform lives from sickness to abundant health.

The Great Physician


The Great Physician gives us His prescription to remove the toxins in our spirit, soul and body. He encourages us to nourish our spirit and mind with His wondrous Word and to feed our physical body with His bountiful healthy nutrients. He renews us with His Holy Sprit and transforms us with His truths and promises. 


Reading a Book

The Amazing Body

Our heavenly Father desires for us to be in abundant health in all areas: spiritually, mental-emotionally and physically. The amazing body is used as a special conduit for His purposes. From the basic unit of the cell, to the tissues, organs and body systems that the cell supports, the human body is one of the most complex, yet most beautiful of all functional mechanisms. The entire body contains about one trillion cells and is a myriad of control systems for literally thousands of chemical, biological and bio-energetic reactions.

A Journey Toward Optimal Health

An increased awareness of our personal responsibility in spiritual, mental-emotional, social and physical health will be the basis for our motivation in attaining optimal health, healing and wholeness. To keep our bodies healthy, the need to cleanse our bodies of harmful pathogens and toxins will continue throughout our lifetime.


Once the body is detoxified, health conditions may clear up and the cells, tissues and organs can optimally perform the way they were created to function. Our cleansed bodies are then prepared to receive the good nutrients to strengthen and renew us. This lifetime journey of wise health choices will benefit ourselves and family.

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