Health Journey Hawaii
A Journey Towards Optimal Health

scroll down to the bottom for vaccine information, caution & websites
scroll down to the bottom for vaccine information, caution & websites
Click on links that are in blue and underlined to visit other websites.
Click on links that are in blue and underlined to visit other websites.

The journey is often more memorable than the goal or destination. The gems, lessons, joys, sorrows and
hope along the way inspire us to continue in His ways and not ours. He remains on the path with us and
never leaves us alone. Family and friends join us in prayer, support and encouragement.
With a grateful heart, Cheryl.
HEALTH JOURNEY HAWAII, a journey towards optimal health and healing in spirit, soul and body.

4/6/24 Time for a Revolution!
Join the educational Food Revolution Summit Docu-series this month of April! Join John Robbins, well-known author of "Diet for a New America" and his son, Ocean for a 8 part series with 45 experts to help us transform our health. Sign up and learn for FREE from April 24th to May 1st, 2024:
Brand New 2024 Food Revolution Summit Docu-Series

3/31/24 Wisdom and Patience
It will take a LOT of wisdom and PATIENCE to update this Health Journey Hawaii website. As you can see, my last post on this "News and Updates" was back in February of 2019! I have learned and experienced a lot since then.
I am trying to avoid too much internet and technology. Using some protection, but I am extremely sensitive to EMF and other radiation. So, since I have shelves with lots of books, DVDs and other resources, I will take my time and go back to the old fashioned way of research through hard copy books.
Over the many years, it has been challenging to downsize all my books and resources, especially since changing residence several times. Carrying heavy boxes of books were not very pleasant for several family and friends who have helped me to move. They encouraged me to research on health websites or read books online on my tablet or phone. I am so grateful for their help and suggestions, but I am glad that I did not dispose of these old books and dvds; keeping them for such a time as this. It will take some time to review them again though, but He will be there each step of the way.

2/1/2019 Cleansed and Lighter!
2/1/2019 Cleansed and Lighter!
Just completed another seasonal cleanse. Feeling cleansed and lighter!
Visit Dr. Richard Schulze's site and check out Intestinal Formula # 1 and #2.

Tower Gardens!
11/5/18 - Starting on November 13, 2018:
11/5/18 - Starting on November 13, 2018:
This may be a good 9-part docuseries to view. Free online, reserve your spot! Starts on Nov. 13th:
This may be a good 9-part docuseries to view. Free online, reserve your spot! Starts on Nov. 13th:
11/1/18 - FREE Screening of VAXXED (from Nov 1-8, 2018):
11/1/18 - FREE Screening of VAXXED (from Nov 1-8, 2018):
Please view the free on-line screening of VAXXED: from Cover-up to Catastrophe from Nov 1-8 and share with family & friends. DVDs also available. You are your best health advocate for your ohana! Learn, share, engage and mobilize. Visit the facebook site of Hawaii for Informed Consent to keep updated about vaccinations.

6/8/18 -Healthy Starts for Families!
6/8/18 -Healthy Starts for Families!
One key component of the Healthy Starts for Families initiative is the Family Health Study. With more than 1.5 million participating families and backed by 20 years of results, the Family Health Study helps you document the lasting, positive effects of the changes you and your family make.

Sign up to participate and receive Juice Plus+ capsules or chewables for your child – free of charge – for up to four years as a study participant. Join the Healthy Living Revolution and let's join together for Healthy Happy Keiki!

5/25/18 - Healthcare or Sickcare?
We can do it! One simple step at a time.
We can do it! One simple step at a time.

4/26/18 - The Food Revolution Summit
The free on-line 7th annual Food Revolution Summit hosted by Ocean Robbins will be from 4/28/18 to 5/6/18 with 25 of the world's most respected food and nutrition experts. Consider registering for this event. Many years ago I read and watched "A Diet for a New America" by John Robbins who is Ocean's father. It transformed my eating habits.
The free on-line 7th annual Food Revolution Summit hosted by Ocean Robbins will be from 4/28/18 to 5/6/18 with 25 of the world's most respected food and nutrition experts. Consider registering for this event. Many years ago I read and watched "A Diet for a New America" by John Robbins who is Ocean's father. It transformed my eating habits.

2/21/18 - Our Biofield
2/21/18 - Our Biofield
Fearfully and wonderfully created....
Fearfully and wonderfully created....

12/22/17 - Vaccinations and Our Keiki
12/22/17 - Vaccinations and Our Keiki
Here is an interview that I did with Eva Andrade of Hawaii Family Forum on educating parents on vaccinations and providing a more informed choice. Listen to HFF's Triple Podcast when you have time.

4/22/17 - The Truth About Vaccines
4/22/17 - The Truth About Vaccines
A 7-part documentary series to open up the discussion about vaccination. Educate and equip yourself.

3/26/17 - Chosen to be Holy
3/26/17 - Chosen to be Holy
Anointed message this morning at church with a reminder that we are created fearfully and wonderfully - spirit, soul and body.
"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."(1Thes. 5:23)
We are Chosen for His Glory.
We are Chosen for His Glory.

3/26/17 - Chosen to be Holy
3/26/17 - Chosen to be Holy
Anointed message this morning at church with a reminder that we are created fearfully and wonderfully - spirit, soul and body.
"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."(1Thes. 5:23)
We are Chosen for His Glory.
We are Chosen for His Glory.

2/3/17 - Zeolite Can Eliminate Toxins and Optimize Health
2/3/17 - Zeolite Can Eliminate Toxins and Optimize Health
We live in a toxic world and the multiple environmental toxins are destroying our health. We are exposed to pollution, chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals (like lead, mercury, cadmium & arsenic) from various sources. The effects of these pollutants in our bodies are very troubling. Many of these are toxic to our neurological, endocrine and immune systems with possible symptoms related to toxic overload: headaches, lethargy, fatigue, depression, joint pain, allergies, chronic infection, memory loss, frequent colds, learning disorders and cancer. It is necessary to one's health and wellness to include regular detoxification protocols in daily life. Various effective modalities are available from lymphatic drainage, colonics,chelation and nutrient supplementation.

Zeolites are naturally occurring minerals found in rock deposits formed by the crystallization of volcanic rock and ash when they come in contact with fresh or salt water. This crystalline compound has a honeycomb cage-like structure which is negatively charged and therefore attracts heavy metals and toxins. It captures them in its cage, removing them safely and naturally from the body. I have been taking an activated, liquid form of zeolite for over 10 years to eliminate toxic buildup, enhance immune function and prayerfully improve my body's resistance to diseases.

Beginning today. A 9-part series that answers the real questions about vaccines; their safety, efficacy and how they really impact your health. Hear from over 20 of the world’s authorities and experts.

12/13/16 - VAXXED: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe
Film Director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield answers questions in a packed Honolulu Theatre.
VAXXED can be viewed at VAXXED, the Movie on digital streaming. It is also available on DVD. Share it with your family, friends, colleagues, pastors, legislators, health care providers, etc.

12/6/16 - Medicine or Food
Nutrient-dense food with its micro-nutrients and/or macro-nutrients provide us with the fuel our bodies need. Phytonutrients that can help to build and repair, instead of poison and destroy. Consider what your body requires to keep it healthy.

12/4/16 - The Inflammation Solution
What "itis" is in your body? Arthritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, bronchitis, colitis, dermatitis....? In his book The Inflammation Solution, Dr. William Sears shares that "Inflammation is the number one cause of illness and aging; yet it is the most preventable and treatable cause. Inflammation is the main reason that people have the three ds: disease, disabilities, and doctor's visits." Learn how to tackle inflammation with the six-S anti-inflammatory diet, gut-friendly foods, handling stress and learning self-help skills and fewer pills.

9/15/16 Eat Non-GMO
It is time to really read your food labels and eat non-GMO food. Glyphosate and other chemicals & pesticides are doing great damage to our health. I've listened to several of Dr. Stephanie Seneff's lectures on Glyphosate. Here is a good interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Dr. Joseph Mercola

9/2/16 - Mandatory Vaccines??????
During the last legislative session in Hawaii, there were seven bills introduced mandating or requiring vaccinations and/or the vaccine policy process. Fortunately, several of the bills were deferred or did not continue on out of committees. I will not be surprised if they resurface again next legislative session. You are highly encouraged to learn more about vaccine toxic ingredients, their lack of safety and effectiveness. A good website to learn more is:
Here below are sample flyers from their website that you can download.

8/15/16 - Health for Your Fascia
I started a fascia class last month and I am so amazed at how much more flexible I am. Learning so much about our fascia. Did you know that the fascia is involved in every structure of your body? It surrounds your muscles, arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, nerves, organs, brain, spinal cord and bones. Amazing how many different health conditions, aches and pains can benefit with the head to toe rolling process. Check out The Fascianator website for more information.

Anthony Chrisco, the developer of the Fasianator and the
Fascianation Method, recently did a talk at Down to Earth.
He shared the latest information he learned at the first joint conference on Fascia, Cancer and Acupuncture at Harvard Medical School. A paradigm shift in modern medical approaches in preventing and treating cancer and other health conditions. In classes, Anthony and his wife, Eileen guide the students step by step on how to roll our fascia with the Fascianator roller. Let me know if you want to try a class. They have classes at various locations.

7/21/16 - PULSE: Every Heartbeat Counts
PULSE: Every Heartbeat Counts is the name of our new pro-life ministry at the church that I attend. Here is a wonderful reminder of how fearfully and wonderfully we are created: Miracle of Life
40 Days for Life prayer vigil is coming up again from September 28 to November 6, 2016. Please join us!
6/19/16 - Your Cell Phone May be Hazardous to Your Health
Electro-Magnetic Frequency (EMFs) that radiate from your cell phone...and the cell phones of your children and grandchildren - could potentially have serious, long-term effects on health and safety. EMFs can be absorbed by the human body - particularly the brain. The average American spends about 1/3 of their waking hours on their smartphones. The public is awakening to the issue and they are looking for answers to protect their family from too much radiation. Listen to Jeromy Johnson, expert on EMF exposure on a TEDx talk and also to Dr. Oz "Are Cell Phones Dangerous to Your Health?"

D-FUZE helps to protect your body from the potentialy harmful effects of EMFs. D-FUZE is the most effective cell phone filter on the market that diffuses EMFs to lower the specific absorption rate (SAR) of cell phone radiation. It is SAR-tested, proven and certified by a government-sanctioned laboratory.

5/30/16 - Known as Soursop or Graviola

5/27/16 - Vaccines and Autism
Similar to the Amish community who do not vaccinate their children, this doctor and his partners claim "NO VACCINES, NO AUTISM" for over 40 years.

5/23/16 - Nourishing
Continuing to feed my body with 30 different nourishing fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Whole food in capsule or chewable form. Juice Plus will continue and always be my foundational staple in my diet. Micro-nutritients from the capsules/chewables and macro-nutrients from the Complete plant-based protein smoothie.

5/23/16 - Cleansing
Did a gallbladder/liver flush over the weekend. Feeling cleansed.
Annual or seasonal cleansing is necessary in our polluted world.

4/16/16 - VAXXED: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe
Coming to Hawaii at Consolidated Kahala Theatres on May 6, 2016.
An investigation into how the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens, destroyed data on their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, VAXXED: FROM COVER-UP TO CATASTROPHE explores an alarming deception that may have contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism, potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime. Director: Andrew Wakefield
A documentary film you should see with your family and friends.....(keep checking consolidated Kahala website above for tickets & showtimes)

3/1/16 Dr. Bill Sears is coming to Hawaii!
Dr. William Sears has been advising busy parents on raising healthier families for over 35 years. He has written more than 30 best selling books and countless articles on topics from infants to the Golden Years. Free to the public. Invite family & friends. RSVP - Cheryl at healthjourney@hawaii.rr.com.
2 Presentations!
Cutting edge science, nutrition and hope for health!
Help for the D's: ADD/ADHD, Autism, PTSD, Depression/Anxiety
Preventing Alzheimer's and Degenerative Brain disease

2 Presentations with Dr. William Sears;
Sunday, March 6, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Coral Creek Golf Course Conference Room
91-1111 Geiger Road, Ewa Beach
All Guests are Free, Free to the Public
Monday, March 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
McKinley High School Auditorium
1039 South King Street in Honolulu
All Guests are Free, Free to the Public
View Dr. Sears on: “Prime Health"

2/19/16 - A World Gone Mad...
These pictures explain it all.

1/12/16 - Simple & Foundational Health
Quite often it appears that the most simple and foundational health perspectives are the most difficult to receive. But, it should not really be that way. Receiving simple truths and perspectives should be easier than the complicated and complex ideas that we bombard ourselves with. Health Journey Hawaii was established to provide simple, foundational and basic health principles and perspectives for spirit, soul and body. To start this new year, I would like to share three simple physical health foundations that have helped me on my own journey towards optimal health.
- We are fearfully and wonderfully created. Oxygen from His breath of life, plus 70% water and created also from the dust of the ground. Over the years, I have added diatomaceous earth (DE) every morning to my nutritious plant-based powder smoothie as a foundation in my health journey. See Update 11/28/11 post below on DE .
- Our mothers constantly told us to eat our fruits and vegetables, but we did not always listen. Now, I bridge the gap between what I should eat and what I do eat everyday, by providing my body and mind with whole food based nutrition from 30 fruits, vegetables and whole grains in capsule or chewable form. This provides the micro-nutrients my body needs and the plant-based protein smoothie provides the macro-nutrients. See more info below: Updates 5/23/14, 5/14/15, 5/26/15
- Our skin is the largest body system of elimination. The skin also absorbs nutrients or toxins through the pores. Toxins in the body often cannot escape out of the body because the pores of the skin are clogged from the many bath & shower soaps that are made from animal fat. Pictured above is a body cleanser that will clean the pores so that toxins can get out of the body. It is wise to get away from animal fat, alcohol and petroleum skin care products. Simple and healthy ingredients in the Miracle II moisturizing soap include: prayer, electrically engineered eloptic energized oxygenated water, ash of dedecyl solution (natural coconut ash), calcium, potassium, magnesium, foaming agent, cold pressed apricot, sweet almond and vitamin E. I have been using this soap for many years.
Looking forward to a healthy 2016! Happy New Year! Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! Hauoli Makahiki Hou!

1/1/16 - Happy New Year 2016 LIVE BOLD
Last year 2015, my church's theme was LIVE BEYOND. I also love this year 2016 theme LIVE BOLD.
Proverb 28:1 The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.
10/20/15 - The Truth About Cancer
Now showing: (click here) The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest Playing on-line now free for a limited time.
It is imperative to have a clear understanding and truthful perspective of the root causes of cancer, the myriad of treatments available and the wisdom of choosing the right health option. You are encouraged to view this new documentary series “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest”. Even though this series started on October 13, 2015, you still can view some of the episodes for free on-line. Or you can decide to purchase the dvds or digital download.
It has been over 20 years ago that I transitioned from being an Oncology Certified Registered Nurse to now assisting family and friends with more nutritional, natural and non-toxic programs of health care. Several friends and colleagues questioned my reasons for leaving a prominent Hawaii Medical Center, but the decision was prompted with a desire to learn the truth about our heath care system. Health Journey Hawaii was established as a market-place ministry and it has been a blessed journey to research, teach and share what I have learned along the way.
Cancer has been around as long as mankind, but the number of cancer cases have exploded with the excessive amounts of toxins & pollutants we are exposed to, high stress lifestyles that zap our immune system, poor quality junk food full of pesticides, irradiated and now genetically modified, pathogens, electromagnetic stress and much more that were not around hundreds of years ago. All these weaken our immune system and alter our internal environment in our bodies to an environment that promotes the growth of cancer. But, there is hope if you take action to change the internal environment to one that creates health, strength and well-being.

10/19/15 - Aloha LIFE Ohana,
Please continue to pray fervently for LIFE during the
40 Days for Life campaign (Sept 23 to Nov 1, 2015).
Visit: 40 Days for Life (for email devotionals & prayers)
Pray for:
1. The atrocity of abortion-on-demand, PP selling baby body parts, fetal tissue in vaccines, etc. to STOP!
2. More prayer warriors to fill up the prayer calendar:
Visit: 40 Days for Life Honolulu to sign up for prayer in Hawaii.
3. Encouragement for those on the front lines providing abortion alternatives and resources.
4. Our Hawaii U.S. Congressional lawmakers to have a change of heart
5. God’s people to arise; that we will not be desensitized or silent on this foundational LIFE issue. It is “one of the four sins that God does not take lightly and the earth convulses every time we practice these sins”.
6. Forgiveness from our Creator for the 57 million abortions in our country since 1973. Pray for His grace and mercy over the shedding of innocent blood.

6/24/15 - Cry of the Heart, Stop Hurting the Children by Mark Sircus
Before reading this post, please read my earlier post on 12/26/14 on a book that I read over 10 years ago. Besides that book, I also read this book around the same time, "Cry of the Heart, Stop Hurting the Children". The author, Mark Sircus subtitles his book: "The Medical Terror of Vaccinations". On page 2, he has a special note: "This is an extremely important book if you are about to have, or have young children. It is also important if you are considering taking any vaccine yourself. Because this information is crucial, meaning absolutely necessary in making decisions to protect the life of the ones we love the most in this world I decided to release it as a shareware ebook." You can find his ebook online.

6/6/2015 - The Good Life Hawaii radio program with Pastor Danny Yamashiro
Pastor Danny has a powerful testimony and is impacting Hawaii with his ministry, The Good Life Hawaii. I was recently on his radio program sharing about Health Journey Hawaii. He is an excellent facilitator / communicator and comfortably assisted me in sharing a brief glimpse of the heart and health journey that I am on. I am not sure how long the recorded 5/22/15 interview will be on his website, but click on the link to listen.

5/26/15 - Dr. Veggie, Dr. Fruit & Dr. Berry
In Dr. William Sears book, "Help Your Child Heal, A Hands-On Guide for Parents and Caregivers", I love how he introduces the children to Dr. Veggie, Dr. Fruit and Dr. Berry.
Dr. Sears is a well-known pediatrician and his book includes "Dr. Bill's Healing Smoothie", making healthy meals, playing soothing music, how humor heals...more healing information at Help Child Heal.

5/14/15 - Bridging the Gap
Ok, so we don't all eat our fruits and veggies like our mothers told us to. So, here's a convenient way to get up to 30 fruits, veggies and whole grains in capsule or chewable form. The most thoroughly researched nutritional product on the market in the world! It's a simple way to bridge the gap with what we should be eating and what we are actually eating. I sponsored my granddaughter on the Children's Heath Study, so since I ordered Juice Plus+, she receives it FREE for four years. Hurray for healthier children!

3/23/15 - Which Will You Choose?
This is a self-explanatory picture. It is all about choices that we make. Man's medicine cabinet or our Great Physician's whole food nutrition cabinet. The choices we make affect not only our own health, but that of our ohana, especially the keiki.
Our daily habits could include healthier food choices like a delicious plant-based smoothie every morning. Try a 30 day challenge: Transform 30.

1/7/2015 - "Live Beyond"
2014 - "Arise and Shine" Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the glory appears over you. Isaiah 60:1-2
2015 - "Live Beyond" And to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen Ephesians 3:19-21

1/2/2015 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Shinnen Akimashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
Kung Hee Fat Choy!
Annual Family Tradition: nishime, ozoni, kinako mochi.
This past week has been very restful and peaceful. So, I decided to change the picture on my last 12/24/14 post to a framed picture "My peace I give unto you" that the Barayuga ohana gave me one Christmas. I always treasure the last 2 weeks of every year, time for peaceful reflection and looking forward.This past week has been very restful and peaceful. So, I decided to change the picture on my last 12/24/14 post to a framed picture "My peace I give unto you" that the Barayuga ohana gave me one Christmas. I always treasure the last 2 weeks of every year, time for peaceful reflection and looking forward.
This morning, though I sensed a different type of retreat which is not what I expected or really wanted. I usually avoid the computer, emails, internet, etc. during this time, but I sensed the Lord urging me to bring an update for my ohana. I heard my Father say, "Do not be anxious about anything. I will teach you and instruct you, I will guide you. There is nothing too hard for Me."
This is the update that I believe He wants me to share.... Vaccinations: Deception & Tragedy, The Truth about Vaccines and the Dangers They Pose, authored by Michael Dye, forwarded by Reverend George Malkmus, published by Hallelujah Acres, 1999.
Over 10 years ago, I ordered this book and it was my first introduction to a different perspective on vaccines. As I read it, my emotions vacillated between shock, sadness, outrage and passion. This book contained vital information that propelled me on a journey of research to uncover the truth. Since then, countless hours have been invested and my library is bulging with folders of research papers, DVDs, videos and testimonies regarding this issue. In the midst of all the conflicting information on the internet and other media, I felt led to return to this book because of the spiritual implications of vaccinations.
In the foreward, Rev. Malkmus, founder of Hallelujah Acres, explains how vaccinations are altering our God-given human genetic code in a way that can have serious consequences for future generations. As he recounts numerous horrible tragedies that have occurred in family after family as a result of vaccinations, we can better understand why he asked author Michael Dye to research and write this book. I would highly recommend getting copies of this book (click on the book's title above) to share with your family and friends. I don't really like sharing about this, especially since it is such a "sacred cow" and controversial. I probably won't be sharing much more about it as I've sent so many emails in the past about vaccines. So, please start doing your own research for the sake of your health and your ohana's health (see 10/16/09 & 7/25/09 post on the bottom for websites).
Most recently in the news, here are just three of many links on info about the Ebola vaccines:

Annual retreat: I am usually off from work the last 2 weeks of every year to thank the Lord for the past year and to ask for His help for the next year. Special time of praying, reading good books, spending selected time with ohana & friends. Had a blessed time this morning listening to Him and His Word.

I ordered "The Word of Promise" Audio NKJV Bible on the day after Thanksgiving ("black friday") from CBD. Can you believe it was only $6.99 for the entire 20 CD set? Many well-known actors & actresses including Jim Caviezel as Jesus, Marisa Tomei as Mary Magdalene, Richard Dreyfuss as Moses, Michael York as the Narrator, Louis Gossett as John, Stacy Keach as Paul, etc. I ordered several as gifts. What a great deal to have the Word to listen to in my car, at home or anytime. "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17

Also, reading books by Dutch Sheets: "Dream", "The Power of Hope" and"The Pleasure of His Company".
In "Dream", Dutch says "The journey of life, then, is meant to be a dream quest; finding what your Maker has dreamed for you brings life's ultimate satisfaction and should be life's ultimate pursuit...You were created to dream, plan & create, to be in partnership with God is one of His greatest gifts to us... the dream stealer (father of lies) perverted God's dream for us.... Dream again!... God Himself had His dream stolen but refused to give up... He will create a moasic of His glory and present you to the world as a testimony of His grace & love. You were born to dream... God has plans and designs for you. For some they'll be new dreams; for others, they will be broken dreams reconstructed by the Master Dreamer Himself as He transforms your dirge into an anthem. Allow Him to reconstruct, restore, or even recreate His dream inside of you so you can once again, sing His song and reflect His glory..."

12/19/14 HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!!